Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2011

Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Δευτέρα 16 Μαρτίου 2011 *

Στην καθημερινή μας  Ενημέρωση  Δευτέρα 16 Μαρτίου  2011  :
** Tίποτε δεν  υπάρχει  πιό ισχυρό  και τίποτε πιό  δυνατό από την πραότητα .- Αυτή εξασφαλίζει διαρκή γαλήνη στην ψυχή μας .-  { Άγ. Ιω. Χρυσόστομος }.-
~**  : 738 μεταφορτώσεις βίντεο .-
~**  , 3944 φίλοι , 1531 μέλη σέ έχουν φίλο , ... ... Σταμάτιος Ν. Skoulikas Αρφαρά - Μεσσηνίας 2010 .-
~** 1a/.-!/profile.php?id=1446349692  , 598/filoi …. 707 ΦΙΛΟΙ .-
~**  .-
  ~**  , Στην Ενημέρωση του Σαββάτου 14 Μαϊου 2011 .- (52).-
~**  , Η Ενημέρωση της Κυριακής 15 Μαϊου 2011 .-
~**  , Η Ιστορία του χωριού ΑΡΦΑΡΑ ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ .- (7).-
~**  , Eνημέρωση της Δευτέρας 16 Μαϊος 2011 .-(31) .-

~*  , STAMO-ARFARA-GREECE .- 91 παρακολουθήσεις .-  , stamos-dynami . 31 , παρακολουθήσεις . .-
o  , vlasis , 32 παρακολουθήσεις .-
o  , afara-messinias-stamos , 92 παρακολουθήσεις .-
o , snsstamoskal  , 52 αναγνώστες .-
o  , arfara-stamos-asteras
o stamos01  , you tube .- YOU TUBE .- 738 . ΑΝΑΡΤΉΣΕΙΣ

** Απαγγέλθηκαν κατηγορίες στον Στρος Καν
*Απαγγέλθηκαν οι κατηγορίες της σεξουαλικής επίθεσης, της απόπειρας βιασμού και της ομηρίας στον επικεφαλής του ΔΝΤ, Ντομινίκ Στρος Καν. Ο δικηγόρος που τον εκπροσωπεί δήλωσε ότι ο επικεφαλής του Διεθνούς Νομισματικού Ταμείου «θα δηλώσει αθώος».

** Με πλημμύρισαν τυφλές ελπίδες
* Την ελπίδα ότι δε θα κλείσουν τα δύο τμήματα του ΤΕΙ Καλαμάτας, για τα οποία το υπουργείο Παιδείας ανακοίνωσε ότι φέτος δε θα έχουν εισακτέους, εξέφρασε χθες στο «Θ» ο πρόεδρος του Ιδρύματος Ανδρέας Κανάκης. Πρόσθεσε, μάλιστα, ότι σε επικοινωνία που είχε με τον ειδικό γραμματέα του υπουργείου Παιδείας κ. Παπάζογλου, αρμόδιο για την τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, όταν του έθεσε το θέμα τού απάντησε ότι τα τμήματα δεν καταργούνται.
* «Οπωσδήποτε κάποια αλλαγή θα γίνει, αλλά αυτή τη στιγμή δεν έχουμε κάτι να ανακοινώσουμε. Σε μια επικοινωνία που είχα με το υπουργείο, μου είπαν ότι τα τμήματα δεν καταργούνται. Ο κ. Παπάζογλου μου απάντησε ότι δεν κλείνει τίποτα, απλώς αναστέλλεται η εισαγωγή σπουδαστών για μια χρονιά. Αυτό μου είπαν» παρατήρησε.

** Με παρέμβαση Κουσελά

* Στη Σπερχογεία το παρασκευαστήριο
* Άμεσες ήταν οι εξελίξεις το τελευταίο 48ωρο σχετικά με το θέμα του παρασκευαστηρίου πίσσας στην περιοχή της Μικρομάνης. Μετά από πρωτοβουλία του υφυπουργού Οικονομικών Δημήτρη Κουσελά, ο οποίος από την πρώτη στιγμή που παρουσιάστηκε το πρόβλημα έδειξε διάθεση για επίλυσή του, και συνάντηση με τον υφυπουργό Υποδομών Ι. Μαγκριώτη, αποφασίστηκε να μπει στο… αρχείο η πρόταση της εταιρείας για τη Μικρομάνη και η διερεύνηση εναλλακτικών λύσεων.

** ΔΟΥ Καλαμάτας

* Συνωστισμός για απόκτηση κλειδάριθμου
* Συνωστισμός παρατηρείται τον τελευταίο καιρό στη ΔΟΥ Καλαμάτας, όπως και στις υπόλοιπες ΔΟΥ, καθώς εκατοντάδες φορολογούμενοι σπεύδουν να προμηθευτούν τον κλειδάριθμο Taxisnet, ο οποίος είναι απαραίτητος σε πολλές περιπτώσεις ηλεκτρονικής υποβολής των φορολογικών δηλώσεων.
* Αρκετοί είναι ακόμα οι φορολογούμενοι που δε γνωρίζουν σε ποιες περιπτώσεις χρειάζεται να διαθέτουν κλειδάριθμο, καθώς και ότι για να τον προμηθευτούν, πρέπει οι ίδιοι να μεταβούν στη ΔΟΥ ή να κάνουν πληρεξούσιο σε τρίτο.

** Ν.Ε. ΠΑΣΟΚ Μεσσηνίας

* Ομιλία Μπεγλίτη σήμερα στην Καλαμάτα
* Την ώρα που στο εσωτερικό του κυβερνώντος κόμματος γίνεται, κατά το κοινώς λεγόμενο, της… κακομοίρας, με επιθέσεις υπουργών εναντίον συναδέλφων τους, με έντονη κριτική από την πλευρά βουλευτών για την ασκούμενη – αδιέξοδη για πολλούς- οικονομική πολιτική, με ένταση και απογοήτευση στις οργανώσεις για τα όσα υλοποιούνται και πολύ περισσότερο γι’ αυτά που δε γίνονται, το ΠΑΣΟΚ αποφάσισε να στείλει στα… τέσσερα σημεία της χώρας υπουργούς και στελέχη του.

** Δήμοι

* "Ζεστό χρήμα" στα ταμεία με ρύθμιση οφειλών
* Τη δυνατότητα να μαζέψει τουλάχιστον ένα μέρος από τα χρήματα που του οφείλονται θα έχει από το επόμενο διάστημα ο Δήμος Καλαμάτας, όπως και οι υπόλοιποι Δήμοι της Μεσσηνίας.

** Κυπαρισσία

* Δεν αγγίζουν το Νοσοκομείο οι συγχωνεύσεις
* Σε «κύκλους» χωρίζει τα νοσοκομεία της χώρας η πρόταση του καθηγητή Οικονομικών της Υγείας Λυκούργου Λιαρόπουλου, σχετικά με τις αλλαγές που προωθούνται στον συγκεκριμένο τομέα. Σε έναν από τους κύκλους αυτούς εντάσσει τα Νοσοκομεία Καλαμάτας και Κυπαρισσίας, με κύριο αυτό της Καλαμάτας. Τα παραπάνω συζητήθηκαν προχθές σε ευρεία σύσκεψη στην Αθήνα, υπό τον υπουργό Υγείας Ανδρέα Λοβέρδο.

**Ανταλλαγή σπόρων

* Από χέρι σε χέρι κι από καρδιά σε καρδιά
* Σπόρους από ντόπιες παραδοσιακές ποικιλίες φρούτων, λαχανικών και βοτάνων είχαν την ευκαιρία να ανταλλάξουν οι ευαισθητοποιημένοι Μεσσήνιοι στην ενδιαφέρουσα εκδήλωση που διοργανώθηκε από την ομάδα kalamatafreespace και το project ReThink, στο αγρόκτημα Φοίφα.
* «Πρωτεργάτης» στην προσπάθεια διάσωσης των παλαιών ποικιλιών της πατρίδας μας, με μέλη σε ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα, η κοινότητα «Πελίτι», με έδρα στη Δράμα, συνεργάζεται με τη διοργάνωση προσφέροντας γνώση για τη συλλογή, αποθήκευση και καλλιέργεια των σπόρων.

** Γιαργαλιάνοι

* Ντροπιαστική εικόνα στο παλιό Γηροκομείο
* Ντροπιαστική και προσβλητική για τον πολιτισμό, την ανθρώπινη αξιοπρέπεια, τους Γαργαλιάνους και τους κατοίκους της περιοχής είναι η εικόνα που παρουσιάζει το παλιό Γηροκομείο της πόλης. Λεηλατημένο, από μετανάστες που το έχουν καταλάβει και το χρησιμοποιούν για τη διαμονή τους και όχι μόνο, γεμάτο σκουπίδια και ανθρώπους εξαθλιωμένους και πεινασμένους να είναι στοιβαγμένοι εκεί μέσα.

**«Διαύγεια» Δήμων

* Καμία ανάρτηση τρεις από τους έξι του νομού
* Όλο και περισσότερο γίνεται γνωστό και στους απλούς πολίτες το πρόγραμμα «Διαύγεια», το οποίο εισήγαγε για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα την υποχρέωση ανάρτησης όλων των πράξεων των κυβερνητικών και διοικητικών οργάνων στο Διαδίκτυο.
* Από τον Οκτώβριο του 2010 η εφαρμογή του ξεκίνησε με την ανάρτηση στο διαδίκτυο όλων των πράξεων και αποφάσεων των υπουργείων και των 13 Περιφερειών της χώρας, ενώ από το Μάρτιο εντάχθηκαν και οι Δήμοι.

** Βραβεία

* Για το Μεσσήνιο Έφηβο Καταναλωτή
* Ανακοινώθηκαν από την κριτική επιτροπή τα βραβεία των μαθητών που συμμετείχαν στο 2ο Διαγωνισμό Μεσσήνιου Έφηβου Καταναλωτή, που διοργανώθηκε από τους καθηγητές Οικιακής Οικονομίας της Μεσσηνίας, υπό την αιγίδα της Διεύθυνσης Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης και με την υποστήριξη του Επιμελητηρίου Μεσσηνίας.

** Καλαμάτα

* Ιατρική εκδήλωση Μεσσήνιων πανεπιστημιακών
* Ενδιαφέρουσες εισηγήσεις παρουσιάστηκαν χθες και προχθές στις «Μεσσηνιακές Ιατρικές Ημέρες», την ετήσια εκδήλωση των πανεπιστημιακών που κατάγονται από τη Μεσσηνία, με τίτλο «Το Πανεπιστήμιο κοντά στον πολίτη. Ενημερώνομαι και προστατεύω την Υγεία μου».
* Στη διάρκεια του διημέρου, σε αίθουσα του ξενοδοχείου «Filoxenia», το ακροατήριο είχε την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθεί για θέματα που αφορούν στην Υγεία, με έμφαση στην πρόληψη και την έγκαιρη διάγνωση διαφόρων παθήσεων. Την έναρξη των εργασιών κήρυξε την Παρασκευή ο καθηγητής Κωνσταντίνος Δημόπουλος, πρώην πρύτανης του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.

**  Πριν 94 χρόνια

** ΟΙ ζαχαροπλάσται της πόλεώς μας εξακολουθούν να παραπονώνται δια την ακανόνιστον διανομήν της ζακχάρεως. Ούτοι μάλιστα διατίθενται ν’ αναφέρωσι τηλεγραφικώς εις την Κυβέρνησιν, ότι η διανομή της εκάστοτε αποστελλομένης ποσότητος δεν γίνεται επί τη βάσει της καταναλώσεως των προς λήψιν μέτρων.
**  -ΕΝ τη συνοικία Πλεύνα συνελήφθη υπό των αστυνομικών οργάνων ο Βασιλ. Νικολόπουλος μεταφέρων εις τινά οικίαν σταφίδα προερχομένην εκ κλοπής.
 **  -ΕΙΣ το χωρίον Βαρμπόπει του τέως Δήμου Αετού αι Βενετσάνα και Παναγιώτα Αθ. Βούλια, οι Κων. και Δημ. Κοσμάς εισελθόντες δι’ αντικλείδος εις την οικίαν της συγχωρίου των Γεωργίτσας Παπαναγιώτου αφήρεσαν διάφορα είδη υπερβαίνοντα τας 200 δραχμάς κατά την αξίαν.
**  -ΕΝ Ζαχάρω ο Νικ. Βουρλιάς ετραυμάτισε δια φαλτσέτας ένεκα προηγουμένων αφορμών τον συγχώριόν του Ιωάν. Διονυσόπουλον εις τον καρπόν της αριστεράς χειρός. Ο δράστης του τραυματισμού συνελήφθη αμέσως υπό της Αστυνομίας.
 **  -ΑΠΟΨΕ δίδεται υπό του θιάσου του Κουμαριώτου η ξεκαρδιστική φάρσα του Μπισσών οι «Έρωτες της Κλεοπάτρας».


Ο Strauss-Kahn έχει άλλοθι;

* Οι συνήγοροι του Dominique Strauss υποστηρίζουν ότι διαθέτουν στοιχεία που αποδεικνύουν πως ο επικεφαλής του ΔΝΤ βρισκόταν σε εστιατόριο και γευμάτιζε με την κόρη του την ώρα που κατηγορείται ότι επιτέθηκε σεξουαλικά σε καμαριέρα του ξενοδοχείου που διέμενε, σύμφωνα με όσα μεταδίδουν ξένα πρακτορεία.
* Ο γαλλικός ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός RMC μεταδίδει ότι οι συνήγοροί του «ένωσαν» τις κινήσεις του Strauss-Kahn και βρήκαν ότι έφυγε από το ξενοδοχείο το μεσημέρι, αφού πλήρωσε το λογαριασμό και παρέδωσε το κλειδί του, πήγε να γευματίσει με την κόρη του και μετά πήρε ταξί για το αεροδρόμιο.
* Σύμφωνα με το συγκεκριμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα, ο Strauss-Kahn είχε ήδη φύγει από το ξενοδοχείο, την ώρα που η καμαριέρα τον κατηγορεί ότι την κυνήγησε στο διάδρομο, την ανάγκασε να μπει στο δωμάτιο και της επιτέθηκε σεξουαλικά.
* Ο γαλλικός σταθμός προσθέτει ότι οι συνήγοροι υπεράσπισης έχουν στη διάθεσή τους αποδεικτικό υλικό και μαρτυρίες.

** Προφυλακίστηκε ο Στρος Καν

* Την προφυλάκιση του Ντομινίκ Στρος Καν αποφάσισε η δικαστής που εξετάζει την υπόθεση του επικεφαλής του Διεθνούς Νομισματικού Ταμείου. Ορίστηκε νέα δικάσιμος την 20ή Μαΐου. Ο Στρος Καν αρνείται όλες τις κατηγορίες εναντίον του.


~*Επιστημονική Ημερίδα Εμφυτευματολογίας "Προσθετικές Επιεμφυτευματικές Αποκαταστάσεις"
Σάββατο 21 Μαΐου 2011     Αθήνα , Ξενοδοχείο Stratos Vassilikos
- Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες πατήστε  < > εδώ  .-

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 Αν αντιμετωπίσετε προβλήματα ή έχετε άλλες ερωτήσεις, επισκεφθείτε την τοποθεσία βοήθειας στη διεύθυνση
 Με εκτίμηση,  Η Ομάδα Blogger


International Criminal Court(ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has asked judges to issue an arrest warrant for Gadhafi and two other senior members of his embattled regime for deliberately targeting civilians in their crackdown against rebels. Moreno-Ocampo points out Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, and intelligence chief Abdullah Al Sanousi ordered, planned, and participated in illegal attacks. A three-judge panel must now evaluate the evidence before deciding whether to confirm the charges and issue international arrest warrants.

 On February 26, the UN Security Council voted unanimously to refer Gadhafi's violent crackdown on peaceful protesters to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. It was the first unanimous referral in the Security Council's history. While it might have lent moral support to the embattled rebels, it had little practical impact on the balance of power in Libya. The war has meanwhile reached a virtual stalemate, with recent fighting centered on the port city of Misrata in the west and in the Western Mountains region.
 Holding the Gadhafi regime legally accountable for alleged crimes, though it may have limited impact on the Libyan conflict, could give renewed momentum to other opposition movements throughout the Arab world in their bid to force democratic reforms.
 Clinton points out that as popular movements for political change take on the immense challenges facing their respective countries, political outcomes will have a significant impact on stability in the region. If the region's movements for greater democracy, opportunity, dignity, and accountability fail to produce successful transitions to more inclusive and transparent democratic systems, the Middle East will be unable to overcome its mounting economic and social challenges. These challenges are well established, from stagnant economies saddled by corruption, inequality, and unemployment, to resource depletion, to the marginalization of women and minorities, and they add up to an unsustainable status quo.
 The West remains steadfast in our commitment to advancing our core interests in the region and defending the security of our allies. And we are explicit about our interests: We seek a comprehensive peace between Israel and its neighbors. We seek to combat terrorism and the dark ideologies of extremist groups. We seek to stop Iran's illicit nuclear activity and curb its destabilizing influence in the region. We seek to cement a long-term partnership with an Iraq that is peaceful, sovereign, self-reliant, and reintegrated into the Arab world. We seek to maintain the continued flow of critical energy resources to the global economy. And we seek broad-based prosperity. Regional stability has always been a key factor in our ability to channel energies and marshal coordination in service of all these goals.
 In light of the role of stability in promoting Western interests, we have an enormous stake in the outcome of the Arab Spring. Going forward, the regional stability we seek to advance our interests can only be sustained if the processes of democratic reform advance. When there is a gap between the government and the needs and ambitions of the people, states grow more brittle and less stable. In the long run, governments that are responsive to their people are the best guarantors of stability, and the best partners for the West.
 Furthermore, the peaceful, homegrown, non-ideological movements that have put Egypt and Tunisia on the path of democratic transition offer a powerful repudiation of the false narrative espoused by al-Qaeda and other extremist elements that violence is the only way to effect change. Thus, events in the region today present an opportunity not only for the advancement of universal values and human rights but also a strategic opportunity for the West.
 West's response to the upheaval in the Middle East has been rooted in a consistent set of principles: We have opposed the use of violence against peaceful protesters and supported the universal rights of free expression, assembly, and association and the right to participate in the affairs of the state. We have strongly condemned, including in multilateral forums, the killing, torture, and abuse of peaceful protestors. We have made clear our view that people's legitimate demands and aspirations must be met by positive engagement from governments, in the form of meaningful political and economic reforms.
 Our policy responses also take into account the interrelationship between political and economic change, because we know that people have not put themselves in harm's way so that they could vote in one single election; rather, they seek to transform the relationship between themselves and their government – they seek a system of democratic governance that delivers results for them and their families. As we offer support and encouragement to governments and people pursuing political change, we are also looking to bolster the economic progress that can help make that change sustainable over time.
 Clinton is keeping a close eye on religious minorities, who are often even more vulnerable to violence and abuse during such tumultuous times, and who rightly view religious freedom as part and parcel of the universal rights democracy promises. We are also concerned with ensuring that democratic change, where it comes, is inclusive – that means that women have an equal voice at the bargaining table and minorities are fairly represented.
 Catherine Ashton points out the uprisings across the Arab world pose great challenges for Europe, but also opportunities we cannot afford to miss. Two principles have to underpin what we do. The first is that we in Europe know how long and painful the journey towards liberty can be. Our own path to 20th century liberal democracy was a very slow one. The EU itself was born in the ashes of conflicts that remind us how terrible life can be when democracy breaks down. Add into that the mixed record of Europe's empires, and some humility is in order, even as we assert that democracy is the necessary foundation of human progress.
 Second, democracy is of course about votes and elections – but it is also about far more than that. What we in Europe have learned the hard way is that we need deep democracy: respect for the rule of law, freedom of speech, respect for human rights, an independent judiciary and impartial administration. It requires enforceable property rights and free trade unions. It is not just about changing governments, but about building the right institutions and the right attitudes. In the long run, surface democracy, democracy that floats on the top – people casting their votes freely on election day and choosing their governments – will not survive if deep democracy fails to take root.

** 41 νέες ναρκωτικές ουσίες 41 new psychoactive drugs registered in European market

Δεκάχρονος βρέθηκε από τη Βολιβία στην Χιλή ψάχνοντας την μητέρα του Bolivian boy in search of mother ends up in Chile El niño boliviano que fue de los Andes al mar de Chile en busca de su madre

Όχι, δεν θα ασχοληθούμε με τον Dominique Strauss Kahn Κινδυνεύουν με «λουκέτο» 30 κοινωφελή ιδρύματα

41 νέες ναρκωτικές ουσίες 41 new psychoactive drugs registered in European market
Μεγάλος αριθμός νέων συνθετικών ουσιών, σύμφωνα με την έκθεση, διατίθεται στο Διαδίκτυο υπό τη μορφή συνταγογραφούμενων φαρμάκων, που προκαλούν ευφορία. Με πρωτοφανείς ρυθμούς...
Δεκάχρονος βρέθηκε από τη Βολιβία στην Χιλή ψάχνοντας την μητέρα του Bolivian boy in search of mother ends up in Chile El niño boliviano que fue de los Andes al mar de Chile en busca de su madre

Ένα δεκάχρονο αγόρι έψαχνε να βρει την μητέρα του στην Κοχαμπάμπα της Βολιβίας. Ψάχνοντας, όμως, κατέληξε στην Χιλή, ταξιδεύοντας 1.000 χιλιόμετρα κρυμμένος μέσα σε ένα φορτηγό. Franklin Huanaco...
Όχι, δεν θα ασχοληθούμε με τον Dominique Strauss Kahn Κινδυνεύουν με «λουκέτο» 30 κοινωφελή ιδρύματα

France in shock as IMF chief charged with sex assault DSK arrêté pour agression sexuelle Αν και προσφέρουν βοήθεια σε χιλιάδες παιδιά και νέους, βρίσκονται σε απόγνωση, καθώς κόβεται ή...

** Στη λιμνούλα με τα νούφαρα‏

Ένα οικολογικό «παραμύθι»

 Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, στην άκρη ενός μεγάλου καταπράσινου δάσους υπήρχε μια λιμνούλα με νεράκι γαλάζιο στη μέση και πρασινωπό στις όχθες, από τους μικρούς θάμνους και τα χορταράκια που ολόγυρά της...   Για να το διαβάζετε στα παιδάκια σας  Η συνέχεια εδώ ... .-
ή εδώ ... .-


There are many political transitions in the Middle East. Everybody recognizes this is a pivotal moment in the Middle East and North Africa. Hillary Clinton asserts the Arab Spring is an event comparable to the fall of the Ottoman Empire or the decolonization of the Middle East following the Second World War. And historians will long be debating these momentous developments. The future of the Middle East will be written by its own people, not by any foreign power. We should stand with those in the region who call for peaceful, democratic transitions, for tolerance and pluralism. Western policy approach should be both pragmatic and in keeping with Graecoroman principles, values, and interests.

 Clinton points out this as a moment of great challenge and great opportunity – and the two are inexorably linked. Uprisings across the region have exposed a number of myths: The myth that governments can hold on to power without responding to their people's aspirations or respecting their rights; the myth that the only way to produce change in the region is through violence and conflict; and, most pernicious of all, the myth that Arabs do not share universal human aspirations for freedom, dignity, and opportunity.
 Marilizardism, terrorizing dissident bloggers, has metastasized in many Mediterranean countries. Merciless Marilizard, the culprit of October-18 shock and awe, terrorizes Graecoblogosphere. Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn may incite hatred and violence. The freakish government of Graecokleptocracy, October-18 mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the government of Graecokleptocracy which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich(EU).
 Reporters Without Borders(RSF)is very concerned about the fate of Homa Dorothy Parvaz, a journalist with US, Canadian and Iranian nationality working for Al-Jazeera English, who disappeared after arriving at Damascus airport on 29 April.
 According to a statement issued by the Syrian embassy in Washington, the Syrian authorities deported her to Iran on 1 May. But Iranian foreigh minister Ali Akbar Salehi told the government news agency IRNA on 14 May that Iran had "no information" about Parvaz. This was the first comment by an Iranian official about the case.
 "No one has heard from Parvaz for the past two and a half weeks," Reporters Without Borders said. "The Syrian authorities finally said they handed her over to the Iranian authorities 15 days ago. But until then they said nothing about her whereabouts, with complete disregard for her family and for the media that employ her. This total lack of transparancy does not bode well."
 The press freedom organization added: "The Iranian information ministry says it has no information about Parvaz. If that is Iran's official position, it means she has disappeared. If not, we urge the Iranian authorities to say where she is being held, to allow her to leave the country or to account for the charges against her if they decide to continue detaining her."
 Parvaz's brother told Reporters Without Borders that the family had received no notification from the authorities in Tehran. "They should at least tell us why they are holding her. She did not even enter Iran voluntarily."
 According to the statement issued by the Syrian embassy in Washington, Parvaz tried to enter Syria with an expired Iranian passport and a tourist visa. After finding transmitting equipment in her bags, the Syrian authorities assumed she had come to cover the anti-government demonstrations. She was alllegedly deported to Iran on 1 May, less than 48 hours after her arrival. She was not allowed to contact her family or the US or Canadian embassies at any point.
 RSF points out the sequence of events shows that the Syrian authorities remained silent about her whereabouts for nearly two weeks. The Syrian government newspaper Al-Watan went so far as to report on 10 May that she had left the country on 1 May without saying where she was going.
 Al-Jazeera had announced on 27 April that it was suspending all activities throughout Syria until further notice because of the many threats and acts of intimidation against its crews. Its Syrian employees were repeatedly threatened by the authorities, and stones and eggs were thrown at its offices.
 Around 100 people demonstrated outside Al-Jazeera's Damascus bureau on 30 April, accusing it of "lying" and "exaggerating" in its coverage of the anti-government protests that began in Syria in mid-March.

"It always happened at night," Hamiyet M. told Human Rights Watch(HRW). For 24 long years, Hamiyet's husband had abused her by severely beating her and raping her almost daily. When she finally summoned the courage to go to police in her town in eastern Turkey, they sent her home, twice. The beatings continued, in one instance proving so severe she wound up in hospital where she spoke with a police officer for a third time. Yet again, she received neither sympathy nor help. "Are we supposed to deal with you all the time?" the officer scolded.

 HRW points out some 42 percent of all women older than 15 in Turkey and 47 percent of women living in the country's rural areas —approximately eleven million women in total — have experienced physical or sexual violence at the hands of a husband or partner at some point in their lives, according to a 2009 survey conducted by a leading Turkish university.
 Female domestic violence survivors, lawyers, and local experts on family violence interviewed for this report described husbands and family members inflicting brutal and long-lasting violence on women and girls that in some cases lasted for decades, affecting several generations of women.
 Researchers documented women and girls as young as 14 being raped; stabbed; kicked in the abdomen when pregnant; beaten with hammers, sticks, branches, and hoses to the point of broken bones and fractured skulls; locked up with dogs or other animals; starved; shot with a stun gun; injected with poison; pushed off a roof; and subjected to severe psychological violence. The violence occurred in all areas where researchers conducted interviews, and across income and education levels.
 HRW notes that in recent years Turkey has taken important legislative steps towards addressing violence against women. But despite these impressive advances, most notably Law 4320 on the Protection of the Family, remaining gaps in the law and failures of implementation make the protection system unpredictable at best, and at times downright dangerous. Furthermore, this legislative process is undermined by the government's failure to better prevent abuse in the first place, change discriminatory attitudes, and effectively address the barriers that deter women and girls from reporting abuse and accessing protection.
 There are some civil remedies available in Turkey to survivors of domestic violence. These options — which aim to provide immediate protection from harm, create space for a victim to decide her course of action, and prevent an abuser hampering criminal or divorce proceedings with intimidation or threats — take two main forms. The first is physical protection in shelters, the second is civil protection orders — emergency measures intended to stop further abuse, which is common in domestic violence cases, including instructions to an abuser to stay away from the house and refrain from violence against the victim.
 HRW found that implementation of Law 4320 regularly falls short because enforcement officers, judges, and prosecutors neglect their duties, often due to lack of expertise or will to deal with cases of violence against women and girls in a manner that is effective and sensitive to the needs and human rights of victims. Women who do report family violence to police risk being turned away, and face poor enforcement of protection orders: indeed, some women have been murdered after obtaining a protection order against their killer.
 Shelters are lacking, and those that do exist often exclude certain groups of women, restrict movement and communications, and are vulnerable to security breaches. Environments in which women are supposed to report violence — particularly police stations and family courts—often lack the private space necessary to do so. In addition, differing understandings of the law — specifically, the scope of eligibility for protection orders — undermine its effectiveness and can exclude the most vulnerable victims of domestic violence.
 Turkey began a transition to democracy in 2002-2005, when it undertook complete reforms in order to begin Fourth Reich(EU) membership negotiations. The generals opposed these changes, but because the Justice and Development Party led a broad based coalition of pious Turks, big business, and average citizens who looked forward to the political and economic benefits of Fourth Reich membership, the generals were constrained from acting to undermine the reforms.


Geert Wilders points out Islam is an ideology of conquest. It uses two methods to achieve this goal: the first method is the sword. Do you know what figures on the flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a country where Christian churches are banned and Christians are not even allowed to wear a tiny crucifix? There is a huge sword on that flag, just below the Islamic creed. The message is clear. Without the sword islam would not have been able to spread its creed.

 The second method is immigration. Islam's founder Muhammad himself taught his followers how to conquer through immigration when they moved from Mecca to Medina. This phenomenon of conquest through immigration is called al-Hijra. Wilders's learned friend Sam Solomon has written a perfect book about it.
  Wilders had a copy of Sam's book sent to all the members of the Dutch Parliament. But most of them are worse than Saint-Thomas in the Bible. Thomas did not believe what he had not seen. Most politicians refuse to believe the things they see before their very eyes.
 In Europe we have been experiencing al-Hijra for over 30 years now. Many of our cities have changed beyond recognition. "In each one of our cities" wrote the well-known Italian author Oriana Fallaci shortly before her death in 2006, "there is a second city, a state within the state, a government within the government. A Muslim city, a city ruled by the Koran."
 How did the Europeans get into this situation? Wilders notes it is partly our own fault because we have foolishly adopted the concept of cultural relativism, which manifests itself in the ideology of multiculturalism.
 Cultural relativism advocates that all cultures are equal. However, cultures wither away and die if people no longer believe that its values are better than those of another culture.
 Islam is spreading like wildfire wherever people lack the guts to say that their values are better than the Islamic values.
 Islam is spreading like wildfire because the Koran explicitly tells Muslims that they are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind and that non-Muslims are the worst of creatures.
 Islam is spreading like wildfire everywhere in the West where political, academic, cultural and media elites lack the guts to proudly proclaim, as Wilders believes we all should proclaim:
 Our Graecoroman culture is far better and far superior to the islamic culture. We must be proud to say so!
 Multiculturalism is a disaster. Almost everyone acknowledges this today, but few dare say why. Wilders tell you why: Multiculturalism made us tolerate the intolerant, and now intolerance is annihilating tolerance.
 We should, in the name of tolerance, claim the right not to tolerate the intolerant. Let us no longer be afraid and politically correct, let us be brave and bold. Let us tell the truth about islam.
 Wilders has no problems with Muslims, but he does have a problem with the totalitarian Islamic ideology of hate and violence. The fact that there are many so-called moderate Muslims, does not imply that there exists a moderate islam. A moderate islam does not exist and will never exist.
 And because there is no such thing as a moderate islam, the islamization of our free Western societies is an enormous danger.
 Only two weeks ago, the British press revealed how the so-called London Taliban is threatening to kill women who do not wear veils in the London borough of Tower Hamlets.
 In some neighbourhoods Islamic regulations are already being enforced, also on non-Muslims. Women's rights are being trampled. We are confronted with headscarves and burqa's, polygamy, female genital mutilation, honor-killings where men murder their wives, daughters or sisters because they do not behave in accordance with Islamic rules.
 Polls show that the influence of those Muslims who live according to islam's aggressive requirements is growing, especially among young people.
 Among 15-year-old German Muslims, 40 percent consider islam more important than democracy.
 Among Muslim university students in Britain, 40 percent support sharia. One in three of those students considers it legitimate to kill in the name of islam.
 Christians are asked to follow the example of Jesus. Muslims are ordered to follow the example of Muhammad. That is why islam is dangerous. While Christianity preaches love, islam preached hatred and practizes violence. Hatred and violence for everyone who is not a Muslim.
 Muhammad personally participated in the ethnic cleansing of Medina, where half the population once was Jewish. Muhammad helped to chop off their heads. On his deathbed, he ordered his followers to cleanse Arabia of all Jews and Christians.
 To this very day, Christian symbols are prohibited in Saudi-Arabia. If you wear a cross in Saudi Arabia, they sent you to jail.
 And now, Europe is beginning to look like Arabia.
 Just today, a poll revealed that in Brussels, the capital of the European Union, half the islamic youths are anti-semitic. It is dangerous for Jews to walk the streets in Brussels.
 Wilders points out that if you wear a cross or a kippah in certain urban areas in Europe today, you risk being beaten up. In the capital of Wilders's own country, Amsterdam, a tram driver was forced to remove his crucifix from sight, while his Muslim colleagues are allowed to wear the veil.
 In June 2008, the Christian church authorities in the Danish town of Arhus decided to pay protection money to islamic security guards who assure that church goers are not harassed by islamic youths.
 On March 31st, 2010, Muslims entered the Roman Catholic cathedral of Cordoba, Spain, and attacked the guards with knives. They claimed the cathedral was theirs.
 Last month, the bishops of Sweden sent out a letter to priests advising them to avoid converting asylum seekers from islamic countries to Christianity, because the converts would risk losing their lives.
 In the Netherlands, the city authorities in Amsterdam register polygamous marriages. The authorities in Rotterdam serve only halal meals in municipal cafeterias. Theaters provide separate seats for women who are not allowed to sit next to men. Municipal swimming pools have separate swimming hours for men and women, Muslim lawyers do not have to stand when the judges enter court rooms.
 Meanwhile Jews are no longer safe on our streets. In Amsterdam, the city of Anne Frank, Jews are again being harassed in the streets. Even political leaders acknowledged that life has become unsafe for Jews in Holland. Do you know what they said? They advised Jews to emigrate. Jews are already running for Israel. But Wilders says: Jews must not leave, violent Muslims must leave!
 Wilders asserts we need a spirit of resistance.
 Why? Because resistance to evil is our moral duty. This resistance begins with expressing our solidarity to Christians, Jews, indeed, to all people worldwide, who are the victims of islam. There are millions of them.
 We can see what islam has in store for us if we watch the fate of the Christians in the islamic world, such as the Copts in Egypt, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Assyrians in Iraq, and Christians elsewhere.
 Almost every day, churches are arsoned and Christians are assassinated in islamic countries.
 In a report on the persecution of Christians in the world, Archbishop Twal of Jerusalem, wrote recently: In the Middle East to be Christian means accepting that you must make a great sacrifice. All too often and in many places, Christians suffer various threats. On some occasions, their homes and churches are burnt, and people are killed. How many atrocities must we endure before somebody somewhere comes to our aid?
 Indeed, how many atrocities before we come to their aid?
 Rivers of tears are flowing from the Middle East, where there is only one safe haven for Christians. You know where that is. The only place in the Middle East where Christians are safe is Israel.
 That is why Israel deserves our support. Israel is a safe haven for everyone, whatever their belief and opinions. Israel is a beacon of light in a region of total darkness. Israel is fighting our fight.
 Wilders asserts the jihad against Israel is a jihad against all of us. If Israel falls, we, too, will feel the consequences. If Jerusalem falls, Athens, Rome, Amsterdam and Nashville will fall. Therefore, we all are Israel. We should always support Israel!
 Today, we are confronted with political unrest in the Arab countries. The Arab peoples long for freedom. However, the ideology and culture of islam is so deeply entrenched in these countries that real freedom is simply impossible as long as islam remains dominant.
 A recent poll in post-revolution Egypt found that 85 percent of Egyptians are convinced that islam's influence on politics is good, 82 percent believe that adulterers should be stoned, 84 percent want the death penalty for apostates. The press refers to the events in the Arab world today as the Arab spring. Wilders calls it the Arab winter.
 Islam and freedom, islam and democracy are not compatible.
 The death of Osama bin Laden was a victory for the free world, but we will be confronted with Islamic terrorism as long as islam exists, because islam's founder Muhammad himself was a terrorist, worse than Bin Laden.
 And here is another truth: The rise of islam means the rise of sharia law in our judicial systems. In Europe we already have sharia wills, sharia schools, sharia banks. Britain even has sharia courts.
 In Wilders's country, the Netherlands, sharia is being applied by the courts in cases relating to divorce, child custody, inheritance, and property ownership. Women are always the victims of this because sharia discriminates women.
 This is a disgrace. This is not the way we should treat women.
 In the Netherlands, Wilders is successfully starting to roll back islam. The current Dutch government is a minority government which can only survive with the backing of Wilders's party, the Party for Freedom.
 The Party for Freedom has 24 seats of the 150 seats in parliament and it supports the government, in return for measures to prohibit certain aspects of sharia law.
 Wilders has achieved that the Netherlands will soon ban the burka and the niqaab.

 Let those who want to rob us from our freedoms, stay in their own countries. We do not need them. If you want to wear a burqa, stay in Saudi-Arabia. If you want four wives, stay in Iran. If you want to live in a country where the islamic ideology is dominant, stay in Pakistan, if you don't want to assimilate in our society, stay in Somalia. But don't come over here.
 We are also going to strip criminals who have a double nationality - for instance Dutch and Moroccan, and who repeatedly commit serious crimes, of their Dutch nationality. We will send them packing, back to their homeland.
 What the Party for Freedom has achieved, shows that it can be done. We can fight the islamization of our societies.
 Leaders who talk about immigration without mentioning islam are blind. They ignore the most important problem Europe and America are facing. Wilders has a message for them: it's islam stupid!
 Wilders asserts there are five things which we must do.
 First, we must defend freedom of speech.
 Freedom is the source of human creativity and development. People and nations wither away without the freedom to question what is presented to them as the truth.
 Without freedom of speech we risk becoming slaves. Frederick Douglass, the 19th century black American politician, the son of a slave, said that to suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.
 The fact that we are being treated as criminals for telling the truth must not deter us. We are doomed if we remain silent or let ourselves be silenced. Let us not forget, this is our first and most important obligation: defend the right to speak the truth.
 Second, we must end cultural relativism and political correctness. We must repeat it over and over again, especially to our children: Our Graecoroman culture is superior to the islamic culture. Our laws are superior to sharia. Our Graecoroman values are better than islam's totalitarian rules.
 And because they are superior and better, we must defend them. We must fight for our own identity, or else we will lose it. We need to be warriors for the good, because the good is worth fighting for. Neutrality in the face of evil is evil.
 Third, we must stop the islamization of our countries. More islam means less freedom. There is enough islam in the West already. We must stop immigration from non-Western countries, which are mostly islamic countries. We must expel criminal immigrants. We must forbid the construction of new hate palaces called mosques.
 We must also close down all islamic schools because educating children in a spirit of hate is one of the worst things imaginable. We must introduce anti-sharia legislation everywhere in the free world. Enough is enough.
 Fourth, we must take pride in our nations again. We must cherish and preserve the culture and identity of our country. Preserving our own culture and identity is the best antidote against islamization.
 And fifth, last but certainly not least, we must elect wise and courageous leaders who are brave enough to address the problems which are facing us, including the threat of islam.
 Politicians who have the courage to speak the truth about islam.
Politicians who dare to denounce the devastating results of the multicultural society.
Politicians who - without political correctness - say: enough is enough.

** Το εκπληκτικό ντοκιμαντέρ του CBS για το Άγιον Όρος Mt. Athos: A visit to the Holy Mountain
Συνελήφθη για παιδική πορνογραφία λίγο πριν παντρευτεί

Ομολόγησε κακοποίηση 114 παιδιών και ενηλίκων ΑμεΑ Switzerland man confesses to abusing 114 mentally disabled men, women & children

Το εκπληκτικό ντοκιμαντέρ του CBS για το Άγιον Όρος Mt. Athos: A visit to the Holy Mountain

 Δύο χρόνια χρειάστηκαν ώστε ένα τηλεοπτικό συνεργείο να αποκτήσει πρόσβαση σε ένα από τα πιο ιερά μέρα της Ελληνικής Ορθοδοξίας, τα μοναστήρια του Αγίου Όρους. Ο Bob Simon, ο δημιουργός του...

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Συνελήφθη για παιδική πορνογραφία λίγο πριν παντρευτεί

Λύσσαξαν οι ανώμαλοι Έφοδο στο σπίτι ενός 36χρονου επιχειρηματία σε κωμόπολη της βόρειας Εύβοιας έκαναν οι άνδρες της Δίωξης Ηλεκτρονικού Εγκλήματος. ... σε δέκα μέρες θα παντρευόταν... (γλίτωσε...

Ομολόγησε κακοποίηση 114 παιδιών και ενηλίκων ΑμεΑ Switzerland man confesses to abusing 114 mentally disabled men, women & children


Hillary Clinton is delighted at the extraordinary work that has been done with the unveiling of the International Strategy for Cyberspace, and she looks forward to partnering with our private sector, with other nations, and with others who share the goal that is set forth in this new strategy that really tries to achieve the goal that is set forth in the very beginning, and that is, the United States will work internationally to promote an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable information and communications infrastructure that supports international trade and commerce, strengthens international security, and fosters free expression and innovation. To achieve that goal, we will build and sustain an environment in which norms of responsible behavior guides states actions, sustains partnerships, and support the rule of law in cyberspace.

 Clinton points out this is a policy that very much sums up what the United States seeks. Readers of this blog share our commitment to ensuring that the internet remains open, secure, and free, not only for the two billion people who are now online, but for the billions more who will be online in the years ahead. What they are able to do in cyberspace, whether they can exchange ideas and opinions openly, freely explore the subjects of their choosing, stay safe from cyber criminals, and engage in professional and personal activities online, confident that doing so will remain private and secure, depends a great deal on the policies that we will adopt together.
 Clinton knows very well that the numbers of issues seem to be infinitely expanding, and we need to develop, deploy, and coordinate policies that address the full array of cyber issues. That is what the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace is intended to help us do. Because it bring togethers, for the first time under one framework, all the different policies that the United States is pursuing into an integrated whole-of-government approach.
 It also articulates, for the first time, all of the principles that guide our work – those that infuse our foreign policy, such as upholding the fundamental freedoms that we consider internet freedom to be part of, and all the other aspects of this policy that will be addressed by my colleagues. We try to really tackle all of the difficult issues and challenges that cyberspace presents. And we know very well that everything we've written today we will have to keep updating as new challenges and opportunities arise.
 Because while the internet offers new ways for people to exercise their political rights, it also, as we have seen very clearly in the last months, gives governments new tools for clamping down on dissent. And while the internet creates new economic opportunities for people at every point on the development spectrum, it also gives criminals new openings to steal personal data and intellectual property. And while the internet makes it possible for governments and people to collaborate more closely across borders, it presents new terrain for conflict, when states or other actors deliberately disrupt networks or when terrorists use the internet to organize attacks.
 Clinton seeks to maximize the internet's tremendous capacity to accelerate human progress, while sharpening our response and our tools to deal with the threats and the problems and the disputes that are part of cyberspace.
 Now, as we look at this strategy, Clinton wants to be clear about what it is not. It is not a series of prescriptions, and that's an important distinction. Because as we work to achieve a cyberspace that is open, interoperable, secure, and reliable, there is no one-size-fits-all, straightforward route to that goal. We have to build a global consensus around a shared vision for the future of cyberspace to make sure it serves, rather than impedes, the social, economic, and political aspirations of people worldwide. And that can only happen through patient, persistent, and creative diplomacy.
 So the strategy identifies seven key policy priorities that will be the focus of Clinton's diplomatic outreach going forward. They are: first, economic engagement to encourage innovation and trade while safeguarding intellectual property; second, cyber security to protect our networks and strengthen international security; third, law enforcement to improve our ability to respond to cyber-crime, including by strengthening international laws and regulations where appropriate; next, military cooperation to help our alliances do more together to confront cyber threats while ensuring that our military's networks remain protected; next, multi-stakeholder internet governance so that networks work the way they should; and then, development to support the rise of new partners by helping countries develop their digital infrastructure and build their capacity to withstand cyber threats; and finally, but for us very importantly, internet freedom. We want to do more together to protect privacy and secure fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association, online as we do offline. Together, these seven priorities comprise a new foreign policy imperative for which Clinton has been exercising and will continue to have a leading role.
 Now, what Clinton is trying to do in furtherance of those imperatives is to integrate cyber issues into our programs across the board, from our cooperation with other nations to stop criminal cartels, to our economic diplomacy, to our support for girls and women worldwide. We've created our 21st century statecraft agenda to harness new technologies to achieve our diplomatic and development goals, and we want to continue to press forward on this with the partners that we see here before us. We are sponsoring capacity-building efforts around the world to help more countries play a bigger role in the internet. And as our focus on internet freedom clearly describes, we are supporting the efforts of human rights and democracy activists to ensure that they have access to an open internet. We are funding cutting-edge programs to give them the tools and the know-how to communicate effectively and safely to get their message out, even as governments try to silence them or cut them off from the internet.
 Now, we're entering a next phase in our engagement with cyberspace based on this strategy, and we're seeing how countries are adjusting their own policies and approaches. And we're understanding that we can't have disparate, stoved-piped discussions, because as many countries have begun to focus more on internet policies and as more citizens have gone online, too often the international discussions we have about cyber issues deals with each of these challenges separately. Our diplomats meet with their counterparts on cybercrime, and then on another occasion on internet freedom, and then finally, on a third, on network security.

**Skoulikas Blasiou Web Site - Ενημερωτικό δελτίο, 17 Μαίου 2011‏

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**Ο/Η Μίνα Γκελντή έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του "ΤΡ.Α.Φ" (Τράπεζα αλληλεγγύης Φιλόζωων).

Μίνα Γκελντή14 Μάιος 10:32 μ.μ.  Θέμα: Μποϋκοτάρετε τον εστιάτορα αυτόν!
o Ιδιοκτήτης εστιατορίου HOME, στην Πάτρα ΘΕΛΕΙ ΠΟΛΥ, μα ΠΟΛΥ κράξιμο !!!
ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΤΑΓΓΕΙΛΕΤΕ ΤΟΝ (κύριο) ΓΕΛΟΙΟ και βέβαια, μην ΠΑΤΑΤΕ το πόδι σας στο εστιατόριο της Ντροπής !!!

** Ο/Η Χρήστος Δάρρας έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του S.O.S!!!!!CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.....ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ.

Χρήστος Δάρρας14 Μάιος 7:34 μ.μ .  Θέμα: μεταλλαγμενες πατατες στο πιατο μας

**Ο/Η Χρήστος Δάρρας έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του S.O.S!!!!!CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.....ΘΑΝΑΣΙΜΟΣ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ.
Χρήστος Δάρρας14 Μάιος 7:36 μ.μ.  Θέμα: μια σοκαρηστικη αποκαλυψη
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Ο/Η Bus Drivers έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΣΩΜΑΤΕΙΟ ΟΔΗΓΩΝ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΛΕΩΦΟΡΕΙΩΝ ΡΟΔΟΥ ''ΚΟΛΟΣΣΟΣ''. -  Bus Drivers14 Μάιος 7:12 μ.μ.
Θέμα: Σαν σήμερα το 1982, απεβίωσε η Κυρά τής Ρω
* Η Κυρά της Ρω που το πραγματικό της όνομα ήταν Δέσποινα Αχλαδιώτη, υπήρξε μέλος της Αντίστασης κατά την περίοδο της κατοχής και επί 40 χρόνια (από το 1943 ως το θάνατό της) ύψωνε την ελληνική σημαία στην ακριτική νησίδα της Ρω κάθε πρωί και τη κατέβαζε με τη Δύση του ήλιου. Στη Ρω είχε εγκατασταθεί με τον άντρα της και την τυφλή μητέρα της από το 1924.
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 Ενεργειακός θησαυρός στο Καστελόριζο
Τεράστιο κοίτασμα από υδρίτες βρίσκεται κρυμμένος στην υποθαλάσσια οροσειρά του Αναξίμανδρου   Με τη Μαρία Ψαρά
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** Ο/Η Konstantinos Manikas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΝΔ Σύγχρονη Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντροδεξιά.

Konstantinos Manikas14 Μάιος 4:19 μ.μ. Θέμα: Το “δημιουργικό σοκ” Σαμαρά στο Ελληνικό P.E.S.T!
Το “δημιουργικό σοκ” Σαμαρά στο Ελληνικό P.E.S.T!
* ή
** ΣΑΜΑΡΑΣ "Είμαστε Έλληνες. Είμαστε ο σπόρος που δεν πεθαίνει!"
* ή  .-
**  Το προφανές και το παράλογο της εγκληματικότητας
* ή


You remember this quip from former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel during the financial crisis: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What matters to statists is that they see an opportunity in a pseudocrisis to shape public perception and manipulate public opinion. The financial crisis yielded a government takeover of the financial sector. The healthcare pseudocrisis yielded a government takeover of the healthcare system. What do you think kleptocrats are going to do with this new civility pseudocrisis? They'd be happy to stage a government takeover of media institutions so they can adjust the parameters of free speech. You should take the blood libel seriously.

 Papandreou of the October-18 mafia has declared war on capitalism and cyberspace, which is funny because he frequently states that he loves the Internet and foreign investments in Greece. But this fearless godfather of the October-18 mafia reserves a special brand of hatred for capitalism, entrepreneurship, and rich people. Papandreou, who is also the President of Socialist International, publicly blamed speculators for the problems of Greek debt. Papandreou publicly announced a war on speculators, imposing the Justice Ministry, government lawyers, Cabinet ministers and the whole Big Brother kitchen sink on this pseudoevil bunch of capitalists and bloggers.
 Another kleptocrat wants to make illegal any words or symbols that can be interpreted as threatening a kleptocrat. We've heard many kleptocrats and media parrots saying that calling a politician socialist is out of bounds. Or that saying a government policy is job-killing is incitement. Or that criticism of Big Government is responsible for any act of violence by a deranged individual who thinks his mind is controlled by the government. The logic of this argument suggests that they decide what in politics gets said and how it is said.
 Papandreou's way is not the road to Greek greatness, it is the road to a Balkan ruin. Well I have news for you, Papandreou. You robbed my computer, my files, and my life, but you better go after many other Greeks, too: home buyers, stock buyers, gold buyers, art buyers, antique buyers, wholesalers, small-business owners and investors. Because everyone who risks money to buy things and attempts to resell later at a profit is a speculator. Moreover most Greeks are netizens now, and many of them are blogging. Since you robbed my computer at gunpoint, you are a robber, pure and simple! Since you terrorized me by throwing me in jail for a night, you are a terrorist, pure and simple. Well, your Marilizard did your dirty work, but it doesn't really matter, because you are responsible for the acts of Marilizard.
 Too many kleptocrats think that not only are they above the law, but above any criticism. Don't be fooled by any calls for civility by kleptocrats. The Left thinks it is necessarily uncivil to challenge kleptocracy. Calls for civility are a polite way of saying critics of kleptocracy should shut up. And too many kleptocratss suggest that dissident bloggers to shut up or go to jail. Dissident bloggers will not back down in the face of this intimidation. Nor should you. You can be sure bloggers and the Global Tax Revolt will monitor, expose, and fight attempts by kleptocrats to use the levers of government to trample our free speech rights.
 Papandreou government is spending too much, borrowing too much, growing too much, controlling too much, and spreading the cancer of socialism. By going after speculators, Papandreou is setting the stage to go after every businessman and woman in Greece, seeking to redefine profits as either immoral or criminal, and targeting, demonizing and punishing the people who invest in Greece, courageously take financial risk and create most new jobs. The only thing Papandreou will get us is a bullet train to the cliff!
 Graecokleptocracy is the White House's 3am-phone-call, but it goes right to the answering machine. Why is Papandreou engaging in robbing computers, jailing dissident bloggers, and class warfare? Because he has to blame and demonize someone for his failures; he has to distract Greek consumers and voters from the expected bankruptcy of Greece and huge poverty; and most investors and speculators are fiscal conservatives, many of whom contribute to Papandreou's political opposition.
 Well Papandreou, you are well aware that people who invest, risk money, or own businesses can't stand you and your October-18 mafia. They have you figured out as a Marxist out to ruin the Greek economy and steal from the productive class and give to the entitlement class. The naked political truth is that you seek to brand your opponents as evil and plunder them so they can no longer contribute to your opposition.
 Perhaps El Presidente is much too busy looting producers to watch the movie Atlas Shrugged. So, let's teach the godfather of October-18 mafia an economics lesson. Speculation is the underpinning of our entire economy, the very foundation of capitalism. It's what has made Greek shipping industry the greatest in world history. Profit - the end result of speculation - is why Greeks are willing to take risks with their hard-earned money. It's why they invest in business, which creates jobs for Greeks.
 Without speculation, Greek corporations could not raise capital. Without speculators or investors, we'd have no economy. Without speculation, we'd have no jobs. Speculation sets the fair price for goods, products and services. One investor or speculator offers to buy a product at a certain price, while another offers to sell at a different price. This price-seeking mechanism redirects the economic engine of producers to best fulfill the needs of consumers.
 Without speculation there is no free-market economy - only a socialist state with industry, prices and wages controlled by the government. You can ask Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea or remnants of the old Soviet Union how well that worked out. How the cancer of socialism destroyed their economies.
 We didn't elect Papandreou just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic. Despite any rhetoric to the contrary, Papandreou lives in a rarefied, insulated world where he can afford to be ignorant of basic economics. He has collected a safe paycheck his whole life from government. He inherited Pasok from his daddy. His daddy also put him in government from day 1. He has never created a job. He has never made a payroll.
 There is a big difference between Monte Carlo and Athens. In Monte Carlo, the drunks gamble with their own money. Unfortunately for all of us, Papandreou is drunk with his own power, funded by citizen money and is dispensing it to entitlement-addicted voters and the politically connected like party time on New Year's Eve. Papandreou is wrecking the Greek economy for generations to come. Now he is declaring war on bloggers and the very people who take the financial risks, create the jobs, and pay most of the taxes, for his own political gain.
 We are at crossroads, and this is a time of getting rid of Greek socialism. It's time to stop Papandreou before his October-18 mafia shuts down the internet and all forms of enterprise. Before all the money is stolen, extorted or redistributed from the productive class to the entitlement class in naked vote-buying schemes. Before Stupid socialist ideas are never gone for good. Papandreou declares profits a dirty word, before speculation, investing and profit-taking become a crime in Papandreou's Graecokleptocracy. It's time to recognize that the godfather of the October-18 mafia is anathema to the freedoms and ideals of Hellenism and send this Wesley Mouch of Atlas Shrugged to early retirement.

 There was a primeminister

With kickbacks in a coffer

A real stupid sinister

Cash was best offer.

 Indirect taxes to the moon

His cronies got their kickbacks

Premier brought his brigadoon

Kith kin mafia feedbacks.

But then Venitis showed up

Baz beat the PM down

Athenians all cheered up

Venitis Baz is back in town!
 ** Ο/Η Mixalis Terzakis δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας. Ο/H Mixalis έγραψε:"ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΣΥ ΝΑ ΕΧΕΙΣ ΕΝΑ ΚΑΛΟ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟ ΜΕ ΠΟΛΥ ΕΚΤΙΜΗΣΗ" Απαντήστε σε αυτό το email για να σχολιάσετε αυτήν τη δημοσίευση. Για να δείτε τον Τοίχο σας και να απαντήσετε σε δημοσιεύσεις, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:  Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook


Murong Xuecun, pen name of Hao Qun, muses about Marilizardism:

 * The only speakable truth is that we cannot speak the truth.
 * The only acceptable viewpoint is that we cannot express a viewpoint.
 * Literature is not at the service of the government; on the contrary, governments should do everything in their power to create a favorable climate for literature.
 * If we cannot get rid of censorship, then I hope we can be a little more relaxed about it; if we cannot be relaxed, at least let us be a little more intelligent.
 * If there really were a Sensitive Words Glossary, I hope that it could be published; in this way at least we could all save a lot of time, and reduce the possibility of unwittingly committing word crimes.
 * Writers shouldn't be parrots, and they definitely should not be yapping house pets; they should have a clear mind and speak with an honest voice. When they take up their pens, they are nobody's slave, they have the right to pledge loyalty to no one; and to speak the truth and be true to their own consciences.
 * I am not a class enemy, I am not a troublemaker, nor an overthrower of governments. I am just a citizen who makes suggestions. My words may be sharp, but please believe in my good intentions.
 * Like most people, I dream of living in a perfect world, but I am still willing to give my all for an imperfect world.
 In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society, such as Greece, where truth becomes treason, however, we are in big trouble. The truth is that foreign spying, meddling, and outright military intervention in the post-World War II era has made us less secure, not more. And we have lost countless lives and spent trillions of euros for our trouble. Too often official government lies have provided justification for endless, illegal wars and hundreds of thousands of resulting deaths and casualties.
 Marilizardism, terrorizing dissident bloggers, has metastasized in many countries. Merciless Marilizard, the culprit of October-18 shock and awe, terrorizes Graecoblogosphere. Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn may incite hatred and violence. The freakish government of Graecokleptocracy, October-18 mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the government of Graecokleptocracy which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich(EU).
 The more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable. They can begin to think for themselves. Censorship should not be in any way accepted by any company from anywhere. And in West, companies need to make a principled stand. This needs to be part of our Graecoroman culture. Consumers worldwide will reward companies that follow those principles.
 Article 19 Organization(A19) is a London-based human rights organization with a specific mandate and focus on the defense and promotion of freedom of expression and freedom of information worldwide. A19 takes its name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; the right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.
 A19 points out free speech, media and information flows increasingly ignore and elude physical frontiers or national boundaries. Many governments, especially Greece, fearful of this lack of control, are trying hard to restore or fortify barriers to trace, block, target and censor those who champion the truth.

 There was a stupid minister

Of name Marilizard

A socialist and sinister

A maritime lizard.

She terrorized cyber

A freak to all wizards

A treason blood libeller

A maritime lizard.

She brought her party to defeat

Socialistic blizzard

Stupidity that far exceeds

A maritime lizard.

 **Συλλογική παραφροσύνη

Μετά την απαξίωση του πατρικού ρόλου σειρά έχουν οι μητέρες.

Επιβολή του GAY γάμου

Απαγορεύτηκε η χρήση του όρου «ΜΗΤΕΡΑ» με απόφαση των ηλιθίων των Βρυξελλών!
 Τὸ Εὐρωπαϊκὸ Συμβούλιο ὑποδεικνύει τὴν ὑποβολὴ ἀποφάσεως 12267, διὰ τῆς ὁποίας μεταξὺ ἄλλων συνιστᾶται νὰ καταπολεμηθῇ ὡς σεξιστικὴ στερεοτυπία (!) ἡ χρῆσις τοῦ ὅρου «μητέρα» . Συνιστᾶται λοιπὸν ἡ παράκαμψις τῆς χρήσεως τῆς ἐννοίας αὐτῆς, ὡς ἀνασταλτικῆς τῆς «ἰσότητος τῶν φύλων».

Ἔτσι ἀξιολογεῖται ὁ ῥόλος τῆς μητέρας ὡς παθητικὴ λειτουργία.
 Ἰδιαιτέρως «προωδευμένη» ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῦ προκύπτει ἡ Ἑλβετία. Συμφώνως πρὸς νέαν ὁδηγίαν περὶ τῆς ὑπηρεσιακῶς ἐνδεικνυμένης γλώσσης, ἐμπίπτει ἡ χρῆσις τῶν ἐννοιῶν «πατέρας» καὶ «μητέρα» εἰς τὴν κατηγορίαν τῶν καλουμένων «ἐννοιῶν διακρίσεων»· συνεπῶς τὰ παιδιὰ δὲν θὰ μποροῦν ἐπισήμως νὰ ἔχουν πατέρα καὶ μητέρα ἀλλὰ «γονεϊκὰ μέρη» ἢ «α΄ καὶ β΄ γονικὸ» ὡς γονεῖς. «Ἡ ὁδηγία εἶναι ὑποχρεωτικὴ προκειμένου περὶ ὑπηρεσιακῶν δημοσιευμάτων καὶ ἐγγράφων», ἐξήγησε ἡ Isabel Kamber, ὑποδιευθύντρια τοῦ Γερμανικοῦ τομέως τῆς Κεντρικῆς Γλωσσικῆς Ὑπηρεσίας τῆς ὁμοσπονδιακῆς καγκελαρίας τῆς Ἑλβετίας.


Το Ευρωπαϊκό κοινοβούλιο ψήφισε δηλαδή υπέρ μιας έκθεσης που στόχο έχει να υποχρεώσει όλα τα κράτη μέλη να αναγνωρίσουν ως έγκυρα τα «πιστοποιητικά οικογενειακής κατάστασης» που προέρχονται από κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ που επιτρέπει GAY γάμους, (ή και πολυγαμικούς –πχ. Ολλανδία) αφού οι γονείς δεν θα είναι πια «πατέρας» και «μητέρα».

Τοιουτοτρόπως εὐθυγραμμίζονται οἱ πολιτικοὶ ἰθύνοντες τῆς Βέρνης πρὸς τὴν γραμμὴν τῆς κατ᾿ ἐφαρμογὴν τῆς ἰσότητος τῶν φύλων ὑποβολῆς ἀποφάσεως 12267 τοῦ Εὐρωπαϊκοῦ Συμβουλίου. Ἡ συγκεκριμένη ὑποβολὴ θὰ εἶναι καὶ εὐνοϊκὴ πρὸς τὴν διεκδίκησιν γονεϊκότητος ὑπὸ ὁμοφυλοφίλων ζευγῶν· ὁπότε κάποιο παιδὶ μὲ «κοινωνικοὺς γονεῖς» δύο λεσβίες γυναῖκες, δὲν θὰ εἶχε πλέον (ὅπως τώρα) μία μητέρα καὶ μία θετὴ μητέρα ἀλλὰ δύο «γονεϊκὰ μέρη»: γονεϊκὸ μέρος 1 καὶ γονεϊκὸ μέρος 2.

Θὰ εἶναι ὅμως ἀναγκαίως καὶ συνεπὲς πρὸς τὴν ὡς ἄνω γραμμὴν νὰ ἀλλάξῃ καὶ ὁ παπποὺς εἰς προγονέα 1, ἡ γιαγιὰ εἰς προγονέα 2 - ἤ, ἀκόμη καλλίτερα, εἰς προγονεϊκὸν μέρος 1.1, προγονεϊκὸν μέρος 1.2 καθὼς καὶ προγονεϊκὸν μέρος 2.1 καὶ προγονεϊκὸν μέρος 2.2 …

Θὰ διερωτᾶτο κανεὶς εὐλόγως, τὶ εἴδους σκληρὰ φάρμακα παίρνουν ἐκεῖ στὸ Εὐρωπαϊκὸ Συμβούλιο;

** Cold you please dont send me messages in the future, i dont understand greek.

*  2011/5/8 Karavangelis Evangelos
*  [Attachment(s) from Karavangelis Evangelos included below]
 ----- Original Message -----

From: Karavangelis Evangelos

Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:05 PM

Subject: Fw: Mothers
 ----- Original Message -----

From: Karavangelis Evangelos

Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 3:02 PM

Subject: Mothers



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